Interes per Shtepine e Paqes nga gazetaret Suedeze “EXPRESSEN”
Gazetaret Suedeze te gazetes “EXPRESSEN”, vizitojne “SHTEPINE E PAQES” duke percjelle mesazhin e paqes dhe te pajtimit. Drejtori Ekzekutiv i Institutit Shtepia e Drejtesise dhe Pajtimit Kombetar Z.Agim Loci, ka zhvilluar nje interviste me gazetaret duke ju treguar me shume rreth kanunit, fenomenit te gjakmarrjes, ngujimit te familjeve etj. Gazetaret paten mundesi te vizitonin disa familje te ngujuara duke e prekur realitetin e ketyre familjeve.
Swedish journalists from “EXPRESSEN” Journal, visit “Peace House” by conveying the message of peace and reconciliation. Home Executive Director of the Institute of Justice and National Reconciliation Mr.Agim Loci, has conducted an interview with reporters telling them more about blood feud and families that are isolated. Journalists had the opportunity to visit some isolated families by touching this reality.